Words to all young people who are single and married

Words to all young people who are single and married

Words to all young people who are single and married
Words to all young people who are single and married

1. My son, a woman maybe your wife, another may be the mother of your children, but if you find a woman who will be like a mother to you, a mother to her children, and a mother to a family, please my son do not leave her!

2. My son, do not make your wife cook and do all the kitchen work alone, that habit is not good For even in our times, our fields were known by our male names but we worked together!

3. My son, when I tell you that you are the head of the family, I do not mean to put you in your wallet, do not look at your wallet at all, see if you will see a smile on your wife’s face. Money is not everything in a marriage and it does not bring greatness to a family!

4. My son, if you want to live longer and reduce stress, talk to your wife and budget for your needs, then let your wife be responsible for coordinating the daily needs of the family by handing her the share even if it comes from your two contributions.

Women are very good at budgeting and this will not be easy for her to spend money on when she knows there are basic necessities at home, but the money in your hands will keep asking even if you run out!

5. My son, do not dare to beat your wife, the pain of the beating stays in her heart for a very long time and leaves a wound that is too late to heal. It is very dangerous to live with a woman with a heart attack!

6. My son, now you decide to get married, if you continue to live a bachelor’s life with your wife, you will soon be a bachelor again. If you get married Change and start living the life of a husband and wife!

7. My son, in the past, we had many wives and children because we had large farms and the harvest was great, but now life has changed, so hug your woman alone as there is no land anymore and the needs of the children are very high. Look at the size of your family!

8. My son, under the mango tree that I was meeting with your mother, maybe a great hotel for your times, but remember, the only thing we could do under the mango tree was just hugging.

I advise you when you meet female friends the biggest thing you can do with them is shake hands and if it is more then hug in public not otherwise!

9. My son, do not change once you start to find more success, than to serve those street crossers who do not know where you came from with your wife, I advise you to use and enjoy your success with your wife who was able to stand firm throughout your difficult journeys.

10. My son, remember when you start talking or seeing your wife change, know that there is something you were doing that you have stopped doing. Evaluate yourself and start doing or fulfilling your responsibility.

12. My son, do not try to compare or compare your wife with another foreign woman, for even she is very tolerant of you and has not compared you to any other man out there and that is why she decided to be with you.

13. My son, right now there is this thing called women’s rights, okay, if a woman says she has the same rights as you in the house, then divide all your inner needs into two equal parts, then fulfill your half and tell her to fulfill the remaining half.

14. My son, I married your mother while she was still a virgin (virgin) and I used to go a lot to them before I married her, but not finding a virgin wife did not make you blame her for being a traitor, remember women of our age and modernity are different, you chose her and you did not know her. Do not include premarital sex in your marriage.

15. My son, I did not send your sisters to school because I was as ignorant as most of the elders in the village say, please do not do this foolish thing, as the level of women’s achievement has now made men seem very ordinary and not as important as our era. If you have children, give them an education.

15. My son, in the days of our youth, women had natural beauty, although I cannot deceive you, some added beauty by painting themselves with henna and even piercing their noses and ears but do not forget they did not show their sensitive nature in public as now. Make sure your wife knows this!

16. My son, your mother and I have no share in everything that goes on in your life, try to solve your own challenges without always coming to us to ask for mediation. Marriage includes the ability to solve your problems without having to sell them as a magazine to everyone.

17. My son, I bought your mother a cookie to start a candy bar project, I also helped her buy her first sewing machine, please help your wife fulfill her dreams according to your ability as you struggle to fulfill your dreams.

18. My son, do not stop helping me and your mother, adulthood has so many challenges and God willing you will see the time come. As well as fulfilling your responsibilities as the father of the family remember we also still live and you are our child.

19. My son, whenever you have time to pray, Pray with your family, there is a tomorrow that you do not know, talk to your GOD who knows everything every day!


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