How to Have a Safe Abortion

Abortion using only Misoprostol

How to Have a Safe Abortion

Medical pregnancy can be done with Mifepristone and Misoprostol consecutively or with Misoprostol alone. This page describes information on the use of Misoprostol alone for abortion using the pill. Only if you have access to Mifepristone, please see this guide.

Before you start
Using Misoprostol is very effective (80-85%) in terminating pregnancies that are 13 weeks or less.

Remember this information is important for abortion with abortion pills in pregnancies that are thirteen weeks or less counted [1,2,3] from the first day of your last period. As we are not trained to assist with abortions past eleven weeks, we will do our best to refer you to an organization that is able to do so.

To confirm that this method is safe for you, we recommend that you read the previous section on contraindications to using abortion pills. If you are not sure if this procedure is right for you

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Misoprostol dosage

You will need 12 Misoprostol Tablets.

If it is difficult to get 12 tablets, you can choose to continue with 8 tablets of Misoprostol, but the effectiveness will decrease, and you should contact our consultants.
If you are between 10-13 weeks pregnant, it is highly recommended to take 12 tablets of Misoprostol.

Each pill is supposed to be 200mcg.

If the pills you receive are in different mcg dosages, you will need to recalculate the total number of pills so that you can use the correct dose of medication.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you throughout your abortion process.

How to use Misoprostol for a safe abortion

Most symptoms will start shortly after taking Misoprostol, so choose a time that works for you and your schedule when you are at home without responsibilities.

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First step: Take 800mg of Ibruprofen

This step is not required, but we highly recommend it. Ibuprofen will reduce the amount of torsion and help you manage the possible side effects of Misoprostol. Remember, Ibuprofen can be used throughout the procedure and after as needed. Women affected by Ibuprofen or NSAIDs can consult the FAQs page for suggestions on alternative ways to deal with pain.

If you have an anti-nausea medication, you can use it at this time.

Wait 1 hour

Step two: Put four Misoprostol under your tongue for thirty minutes.

It is very important that the tablets remain under your tongue for thirty minutes to allow them to be absorbed by your system. After thirty minutes you can drink water to wash it down and swallow any remaining pills.

If you vomit for thirty minutes while the Misoprostol is under your tongue, chances are it won’t work. In this case, you must repeat the second step immediately.

If you vomit after having the pill under your tongue for thirty minutes, there is no need to repeat step two as the pill will have already been absorbed into your system.

Wait three hours

Step three: Repeat step 2 and place four more Misoprostol tablets under your tongue for thirty minutes.

Wait three hours

Step four: Repeat step 2 and place four more Misoprostol tablets under your tongue for thirty minutes.

Bleeding usually starts within a few hours. If 24 hours have passed since you took your first 4 tablets of Misoprostol and you still have no bleeding or cramping, contact us. Do not take more pills until we can assess the situation together.

Expected symptoms after using Misoprostol for abortion.

After using Misoprostol you will experience cramping and bleeding. Some women (not all) will have thick bleeding. It is impossible to know exactly when contractions and bleeding will start, it is usually within the first 24 hours of the first dose of Misoprostol, but it can be several hours later.

Expected bleeding should be heavier than your period, or at least similar. You may have bleeding or no bleeding for days or weeks after taking the pill. Your bleeding and pregnancy symptoms should gradually improve over the next few weeks.

For women who are between ten and thirteen weeks, you will have symptoms of bleeding or twisting, however, you can see the fetus as it passes. Usually, this fetus is mixed with blood and clotted blood, and it often passes without being seen, but it is important to know that it is normal if you see it. Do not doubt, it can be disposed of by folding tampons or flushed down the toilet.

Remember that every miscarriage is different and the symptoms may vary from woman to woman.

Most of the women who have symptoms of pregnancy stop having them five days after using Misoprostol. If your pregnancy symptoms have started to lessen and disappear after using the abortion pill, this is a good sign that you are no longer pregnant.

Side Effects of Misoprostol

After using Misoprostol, some women experience side effects that may last for hours or days. These side effects of Misoprostol include:

  • Heat
  • Drive
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Headache
  • Cooler
How to Have a Safe Abortion

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