14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out

14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out

African couple spending time together
14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out

14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out: People have been raised in different environments and societies that expect women to be gentle and submissive, a cultural norm imposed on every woman. However, as time goes by, life itself changes. Women today, through feminism, have transformed from being meek and submissive to actively engaging in the challenges of the 21st-century world.

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Although women have come a long way, society still expects them to adhere to the behaviors that were imposed on them by previous generations, where women were treated as mere commodities, lacking the ability to make decisions in front of society. However, as we know, there are many women today who have achieved success in their lives, especially after taking matters into their own hands. That’s why there are many reasons and avenues that you should also consider taking.

14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out
14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out

Every woman needs a strong man. And to find a strong man, you must be a strong woman. So these are the reasons why a woman should take the first step to approach a man and tell him. 14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out.

Why should you ask a man out?

14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out: These are some of the reasons why you should take control of the dating game and stop waiting for the man to take the first step.

You have all the power in your relationship

Wouldn’t it be great if you had the ability to take control of your relationship at least once? Why not seize this opportunity to take charge and make decisions in your relationship based on how you envision it to be? This will eliminate the stage of waiting for the man to decide whether your relationship will progress or not.

Men appreciate being pursued a change

Many men who love their women respond well when their women know what they want. So, as you increase your confidence and take the initiative to ask him out, a confident man will become more interested in you.

If a man reacts negatively, it means he is looking for a submissive and meek woman, and that’s acceptable. If you tried to ask him out and his response was unsatisfactory, it’s a sign that you may not be compatible in your future lives, and it’s best to move on and find someone else. 14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out.

You take control of your dating choices

We are not living in the times of Marilyn Monroe, where women were waiting for men’s desires. We are in the 21st century, where women can speak their minds in front of men. 14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out. The era of relying on men for money, family, and life decisions is outdated. The more actively you seek potential partners, the higher your chances of finding a man who aligns with your interests.

No more waiting. If you want him, go and get him

It may be intimidating. But isn’t it also exciting, invigorating, and challenging? Just imagine the feelings you’ll experience when you succeed in getting him to say “Yes.” There’s a reason why men enjoy pursuing women – it’s like an addiction. So why shouldn’t women adopt that behavior too?

The person you like may not even know you exist

I know you’ve seen those movies about young people where you see a beautiful girl who loves a particular guy but, because she’s shy, she hides at home with books. Eventually, there comes a point where she is noticed by the guy she admires. 14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out. Well, that only happens in movies and fantasies, and you know it!

It’s evident that if you want the man you admire to notice you, he won’t unless you tell him directly. 14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out. If he hasn’t shown signs of interest, he doesn’t deserve your attention. Move forward and find someone else you’re interested in, someone you can pursue.

Men want to be given clues sometimes

Men are like they come from another planet! If you don’t express yourself clearly to them, they won’t pick up any clues from you. 14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out. Men typically find it easier to understand when a woman shows interest. Initially, the term “friend zone” was coined by men.

So, if you want your male friend to realize that you want to take your friendship to the next level, as a woman, you should tell him. 14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out. Otherwise, you’ll drift apart, and he won’t understand anything.

No matter how you dress, a man won’t know if you dressed up for him

What’s worse is that he will see you dressing up every day like a doll just to please and attract attention from all men. 14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out. And it won’t even cross his mind that you’ve worn those clothes solely to satisfy that “fool” who happens to be him.

Women who go after what they want usually get good men

Men who love women who go after what they want are generally better than other types of men. A strong man is the one who can handle such a woman. 14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out. It’s simple—if a woman wants a man who can handle her as she is, with strength, then she should go out and find him herself to see if he’s worthy of controlling her.

Telling a man directly usually means business, and you shouldn’t easily fear it

Women who are completely bold in telling a man to go out with them pose a significant challenge to men. 14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out. Men who are on board with this know that you mean business and not just a woman saying “No.” It reminds a man of the type of woman he’s dealing with, so he won’t dare to play with you if he’s in his right mind.

Women who know what they want get what they want

Zari, aka the boss lady, wanted Diamond, the man known as the women’s magnet, and she didn’t allow Wema Sepetu to be with him. 14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out. She showed her power and demonstrated her ability to desire a man who is desired by many women. Fearlessly, she expressed herself and was accepted. So, you too should go and find your own Diamond without any fear.

If you want to be a shadow, you’ll stay there for a while—and for longer, maybe forever

Okay, I don’t mean that you should be a drama queen everywhere you go. No! But once you believe that your place is to stay in the shadows, that belief will hold you back. A woman should have the confidence to approach and do whatever she desires. Maybe you could get away with it during your high school years, but once you’re past your 20s, it’s not suitable to stay in the shadows. 14 Reasons Why Girls Should Ask Men Out. Take action now.

If he rejects you, don’t let it weaken you; it’s an experience you’ve gained. Consider it his loss for missing out on the opportunity to have an amazing woman like you.

You won’t die if he rejects you. It won’t even prevent you from eating. I know it’s painful to be rejected, but so what? Just think, ten years from now, you’ll be laughing about his missed chance.

Women have energy nowadays. Who runs the world?

Beyoncé said that women run the world. So why not take the first step in everything? In the beginning, it’s not a difficult thing to do. How do other women succeed in taking this step, while you can’t?

In conclusion, women should take the first step if they are interested in a man. (beipoatz) There’s no need to sit in one place waiting to be served food on a silver platter. Life is out there!

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